It can be more difficult to find substantial and useful
sources for the study of Irish genealogy in the United States the further west one
is from the east coast. The vast majority of Irish immigrants stayed in states
such as New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Nevertheless,
many did travel to the midwest and beyond, where records about their lives were
made and books written about their communities.
For those who are researching their Irish ancestry in
Kansas, the state historical society provides a very useful online bibliography of sources, reproduced below, to aid such research. You can access the relevant webpage of the Kansas Historical Society
by clicking here.
Bird, Roy. The Irish Arrive in Kansas. Kanhistique. 5 (March 1980): 1
and 3. (Oversize/K/978.105/K13/v.5/no. 11).
Bush, Maynie S. "Irish." The Frankfort Story. Frankfort, KS:
Frankfort Centennial Committee, 1967. (K/978.1/-M35/F853/pp. 139-143).
Butler, Thomas A. The State of Kansas and Irish Immigration. Dublin,
Ireland: McGlashan and Gill, 1871. (K/325.1/Pam.v.1).
Forter, Emma E. "The Irish in Marshall County." History of
Marshall County, Kansas. Indianapolis, IN: B.F. Bowen Co., 1917.
"Into Old History: Dedicates a Feature to Early Irish Settlers of
Solomon Community." Salina Journal. July 18, 1933. [1 p.]. (Reel: S 303).
"Irish Colony Settled Garden Township." Newton Kansan
(Fiftieth Anniversary Edition). Aug. 22, 1922. [1 p.]. (Reel: N 469)
Madden, John. "The Irish Colony in Marion County." Florence
Bulletin. Oct. 11, 1934. [1 p.]. (Reel: NP 4303).
__________. "A Lost Colony." Marion Review. Sept. 26, 1934.
[2 pp.]. (Location: 34-04-01-02).
O'Neill, Pat. From the Bottom Up: The Story of the Irish in Kansas
City. Kansas City, MO: Pants Publisher, 2000. (K/917.78/On2).
Owen, J.S. "Irish Came to Kansas Not in Colonies But in
Families." Topeka State Journal. Mar. 18, 1939. [1 p.]. (Reel: T 1593).
Patrick, Nikki. "Irish Had Role in the Growth of Southeast
Kansas." Pittsburg Morning Sun. Mar. 13, 1982. [2 pp.]. (Reel: P 1500).
Redmond, Bernard P. "History of Coal Creek: Its Irish Pioneers.
Seneca Courier-Tribune. Apr. 14, 21 and 28, May 5, 12 and 29, June 2, 12, 16
and 19, and July 3 and 7, 1941. [13 pp.]. (Reel: S 891).
Rupp, Jane C. "Irish Settlement in Clark Township." Marion
County Scrapbook. (Vol. 1). N.p.: Author, 1927. (K/978.1/-M34/R87/p. 45).
Taylor, Loren L. "A Short Ethnic History of the Irish People in
Wyandotte County." A Short Ethnic History of Wyandotte County. Kansas
City, KS: Kansas City Kansas Ethnic Council, 1982. (K/978.1/-W97/K133s).
Waldron, Nell B. "Colonization in Kansas from 1861 to 1890."
Doctorate dissertation, Northwest University, Evanston, 1923. (K/325.1/W147/c.
2/pp. 40-120).