Argentina, Irish Immigration
Argentina, Irish Immigration
Argentine Church & Cemetery
Australia Civil Registration
Australian Convicts, Irish
Australian Connection, Girls in
Famine Workhouses
Australian Civil Registration
Australian Free Settlement
Australian Genealogical Computer
Index (AGCI)
Beginners in Irish Research
British Army Records in New
British Library, Newspaper
British Parliamentary Papers
British Parliamentary Papers,
Brooklyn Diocese, Catholic Church
Canada, Registration of Births,
Marriages & Deaths
Canada, The United Church of
Canadian Immigration Records,
Casey's Collection, Cork County,
Dr. Albert Casey
Catholic Church Records, Brooklyn
Catholic Cemeteries, New York
Catholic Nuns, Brothers &
Priests in U.S.
Catholic Qualification Rolls
Cemetery Records, Argentina
Church &
Cemetery Records, Ireland
Cemetery, Catholic, New York
Cemetery Strategies, New York
Census Returns, Non-Population
Chicago, Newberry Library
Church of Ireland Records, Dublin
Church of Ireland Records
Civil Registration, England &
Civil Registration, Ireland
Civil War, Union Draft Records
Confederate Pension Records
Continental Colleges, Irish
Convicts, Australian Irish
Cork County, Dr. Albert Casey's
Downpatrick to Utah Territory via
Scotland & India
Dublin, Church of Ireland Records
England's Poor before 1834
Estate Papers, how to find
Falkiners of Ontario &
Family Information, Collecting
Famine Workhouses, Australian
Connection, Girls in
Freeholders (Church) Freeman
Voting Registers
Freeman Voting Registers
(Freeholder's Church)
Genealogical Office, an
Introduction to Records
Girls in Famine Workhouses, an
Australian Connection
Griffiths Valuations, More Than
Just Names
Heritage Centers of Ireland
Hibernians, Ancient Order of, in
Homestead Records for Tracing
Irish Immigrants
Immigrants, Homestead Records for
Tracing Irish
Immigrants Passenger Lists
Immigration Records, Canadian
Immigration, Irish, Argentina
Immigration, Irish, Argentina
Industrial South Wales, Irish in
Ireland to Australia,
Transportation Registers
Irish Place Names &
Kentucky, Early Scots-Irish
Kerry County, Dr. Albert E.
Casey's Collection
Leases for Lives in Ireland
Lineage Society, American
Londonderry County, Peter Duffy
of Cahore
Loyal Orange Institution in the
Militia & Yeomanry Records
Minority Religions (3 American)
Irish Immigrants
Minority Religions in Ireland
Mt. Jerome, a Victorian Cemetery
Muscogee Creek, Focus on
National Schools of Ireland
Newberry Library, Chicago
New England Historical
Genealogical Society
Newfoundland Memorial University
Newspaper, British Library
New South Wales, Church Register
New South Wales, Letters of
Colonial Secretary
New York City, Calvary Cemetery
New York Catholic Cemeteries
New York City, State Census
New York State Alien Landowners
New Zealand, Australia Civil
New Zealand, British Army Records
New Zealand Church Records
New Zealand Deceased Estate
New Zealand Hawke's Bay Province,
New Zealand Old Age Pensions
North American Church Records
Nuns, Brothers & Priests in
U.S., Catholic
Ohio, Early Scots-Irish
Ontario & Tipperary Falkiners
Oregon & Washington Donation
Palatines in Ireland &
Parish Unknown, What To Do
Parliamentary Papers, Australian,
Parliamentary Papers, British
Passenger Lists, Canadian
Pension Records, British Army
Pension Records, Confederate
Poor, England before 1834
Priests, Nuns & Brothers in
Priests, Nuns & Brothers in
U.S., Catholic
Public Records Office of North
Ireland (PRONI)
Qualification Rolls, Catholic
Repeal Societies (Irish) in North
Roman Catholic Guide to Parish
Scots-Irish in Colonial America
Scots-Irish of Muscogee Creek
Scottish Poor Law and Its Records
Shiell, Dr. Hugh, A Study Case
South African Church Records
South African Death Notices
South African Irish Immigration
South Carolina Early Scots-Irish
Tenison Groves Collection
Tennessee-Early Scots-Irish
Research (1768-1840)
Tennessee, East Historic Center
Tipperary & Ontario
Tombstones & Church Records
Townland Unknown, What To Do
United States Census 1790-1870
Unknown Origin, What To Do
U.S. Catholic Nuns, Brothers
& Priests
U.S. Census & Soundex
U.S. Lands Records To Identify
Immigrant Origins
U.S. War of 1812 American Records
Utah from Downpatrick, Ireland
Utah Territory via Scotland &
India, Downpatrick to
Voting Registers, Freeman
(Freeholders Church)
Washington & Oregon Donations
What To Do If Only the County in
Ireland Is Known
Wicklow County, A Case Study, The
Cullen Family
Yeomanry & Militia Records