Monday, September 16, 2013

Calling all McFaddens, Mac Pháidíns, McPhadons...

Are you a McFadden, or have an associated name? Do you want to find out more about its Irish, Scots-Irish, and Scottish origins? Then this new website,, is for you.

The McFadden Project aims to research the origins and history of the McFadden surname and its variants. The primary focus at the moment is finding men of the name willing to take a Y-DNA test, though the organizers hope the site will eventually become a hub for all things McFadden.

It is an open project. All are welcome. They encourage people with any variation of the McFadden surname to participate. These include: Fadden, Fadian, Mac Pháidín, MacFadden, MacFaden, MacFadyen, MacFadzen, MacFayden, MacPadden, MacPhaden, McFaddan, McFaddin, McFaden, McFadden, McFadgen, McFadyen, McFadzean, McFadzen, McFayden, McPadden, McPaden, McPhaden, McPhadon, McSpadden, Padden, Paden, Paterson, Paton, Patterson, Patton, Peden, and many others.

Any questions or comments can be directed to site creator Rob McFadden at

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