Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Friends Of Irish Research

The Friends of Irish Research (FIR) is a genealogy society based in Brockton, Massachusetts. The organization was based at the Irish Cultural Center (ICC) in Canton for a number of years before moving to their current residence at 900 North Main Street in Brockton. FIR meets often with get togethers held almost every Friday evening for two hours at their Brockton location, beginning at 7:30pm. Anyone is welcome to drop by for a genealogy consultation during that time, once they make an appointment via email
(friendsofirishresearch@gmail.com). On the third Friday of each month they return to their spiritual home at the ICC Library in Canton to meet.

Like all good local genealogy societies they are utilizing one of their strengths by creating records from local resources. Old St. Mary's is the oldest Roman Catholic cemetery in Canton and FIR have created a database of burial information.

Next month they will be hosting their latest School of Irish Genealogy on Saturday the 10th. Running from 1-4pm, the afternoon will focus on free online research tools and DNA. Previous editions of this venture have focused on a wide variety of topics for which there are handouts and videos available . There is also a considerable range of articles available to read, focusing on areas such as research in Newfoundland, Cape Breton (Nova Scotia), and beyond.

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